Te Kawea Mai I Nga Huringa Hou Kia Whakahohe Nga Hapori Ki Te Hanga Te Ao E Noho Ana Tatou

Bringing innovative change to enable communities to shape the world we live in

About Us

Ko Wai Tatou


Through four decades of innovation in New Zealand, Election Services has pioneeredthe delivery of successful elections, polls and consultations for local government,corporations, iwi and energy trusts. Our ability to combine technology and processmanagement well means your requirements are guaranteed each time and our trackrecord proves it. We provide as much or as little help as you need, and our store ofexpertise means we are ready with the answers when you need them.

As the leading end-to-end electoral service provider, we strive to uphold ourexceptional reputation. We bring innovative change to enable communities to shapethe world we live in.

Your dream. Our mission.

E Whakapono Ana Matou Ki Te Mahi Kaha Me Te Whakapau Kaha



The Origins

Late 1980s
Played a pivotal role in establishing Independent Election Services Ltd.

Inspired by Internal Electoral Officer Roles
Our roles as internal electoral officers for Auckland City Council, managing local government electoral processes, served as inspiration for the company’s creation.

Official Beginning in 1994
Independent Election Services officially began its journey in 1994, guided by a fundamental mission.

To bring specialized expertise to the electoral sector, serving not only local authorities but also newly formed energy trusts, and unions.

Ongoing Focus
Throughout the years, our focus remained on serving local authorities, energy trusts iwi and unions, addressing crucial needs within Aotearoa New Zealand’s electoral services landscape.

Reputation for Reliability
Our unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality, impartial electoral services quickly earned us a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

Commitment to Transparency and Fairness
We were deeply committed to enhancing transparency, efficiency, and impartiality in electoral processes, significantly contributing to the integrity and fairness of elections at both the local authority and energy trust levels.

Strong Commitment to Democratic Governance
Our work underscored our strong commitment to democratic governance
in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Introduction of electronic vote capture, a significant milestone in our efforts to innovate electoral processes.

Launch of custom election management software (EMS), strengthening our commitment to electoral excellence.

Introduction of high speed scanning of voting documents providing efficiencies in vote capture.

Embracing online voting, a development that had a profound impact on the way elections are conducted in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Electronic checking and recording of nominations providing more efficient reporting of candidates and candidate lists for councils and voting document generation and proofing.

Youth voting (mock elections run in tandem with local body elections, with real candidates) went online providing more efficient and paperless voting experience for students in schools.

Made substantial enhancements to our online voting platform, VoteOnline.

Provision of a Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping system, streamlining the process and ensuring accurate voting documents for each voter.

Integration of AI and machine learning into EMS, enabling quicker results by assisting in vote recognition.

Introduction of a nationwide ratepayer entitlement lookup app and a special vote requests app, highlighting our dedication to enhancing the integrity and accessibility of democratic processes in the digital age.


Innovative Milestones


Unity in Diversity

Commitment to Māori Culture
We are dedicated to embracing Māori culture within our company, moving beyond mere recognition to actively engage with and respect the cultural heritage and values of the indigenous Māori people.

Inclusivity and Engagement
We seek to create an inclusive environment that values and incorporates Māori traditions, language, and customs into our daily operations and interactions.

Cultural Awareness
Our corporate ethos is informed by our awareness of Māori culture, influenc-ing the way we conduct business and the kawa (protocols) and practices we implement. This ensures that Māori perspectives are integrated into our decision-making processes.

Importance of Mana
We understand the significance of “mana,” representing respect, and it serves as a foundational principle in all our interactions, both within our company and with Māori communities.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Recognising the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi)
as a guiding principle, we adhere to its tikanga (customs and values) in our corporate practices, aiming to promote an inclusive and harmonious partnership between our company and the Māori community. This partnership strengthens our collective identity in the diverse and dynamic landscape of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Trusted Authority in Electoral Compliance
Independent Election Services is widely recognised as experts in matters of compliance, electoral legislation, and best practices.

Shaping Electoral Legislation (2001)
Our director was a founding member of the Electoral Working Party, which played a key role in shaping the development of the Local Electoral Act in 2001. This legislation governs local elections, ensuring fairness, transpar-ency, and adherence to best practices.

Ensuring Fairness and Transparency
Our dedication to excellence and our director’s contributions to electoral reform have solidified our position as a trusted authority in electoral man-agement and compliance across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Dedication to Electoral Excellence
Our extensive experience and expertise not only support our recognition but also underline our commitment to achieving electoral excellence.

Supporting Democracy
Independent Election Services plays a pivotal role in electoral management and compliance, contributing significantly to the democratic governance of Aotearoa New Zealand.


Our Work Speaks for Itself


Technology to Empower

Introduction of VoteOnline Platform (2009)
In 2009, we achieved a significant milestone by introducing the VoteOnline platform, a cutting-edge online voting solution. This development resulted from meticulous design, rigorous development, and extensive testing.

Enthusiastic Adoption by Loyal Clients
Many of our loyal clients enthusiastically embraced this new online voting service, recognizing its value in engaging with constituents using the latest methods.

Significant Enhancements in 2019
In 2019, we made substantial improvements to the system, both in terms of user interface and security. These enhancements were made to adapt to changing cybersecurity assessments, ensuring the platform’s integrity and resilience.

Shaping the Future of Elections
By investing in the ongoing development of VoteOnline, we not only cater to client needs but also play a pivotal role in shaping the future of elections in Aotearoa New Zealand. We leverage innovation and technology to enhance the democratic process, improving accessibility, efficiency, and security.

Reinforcing Our Position as Trailblazers
Our dedication to advancing online voting technology and enhancing the democratic process solidifies our position as trailblazers in the electoral services field. We lead in adopting and implementing cutting-edge solutions for the benefit of Aotearoa New Zealand’s electoral landscape.

Expanding Client Base
Over the years, our client base has continued to expand and diversify.

Serving a Variety of Client Types
We have attracted discerning clients, including:

  • Local Authorities, Iwi, and Energy Trusts
  • Board of Trustees
  • Educational Facilities
  • Healthcare Associations
  • Business Associations
  • Unions
  • Primary Industries
  • Licensing Trusts

Partnering with Māori Trust Boards
From an early stage, we enjoyed longstanding partnerships with well-established Māori trust boards.

Facilitating Governance Entity Elections
As more iwi reached settlements with the Crown, we have been privileged to provide our services for ratification polls and elections for newly established governance entities.

Customised and Impartial Election Services
Our ability to serve a diverse range of customers, each with unique requirements, reflects our flexibility in customizing our services to meet specific needs.


Serving a Diverse Clientele


The Origins

Late 1980s
Played a pivotal role in establishing Independent Election Services Ltd.

Inspired by Internal Electoral Officer Roles
Our roles as internal electoral officers for Auckland City Council, managing local government electoral processes, served as inspiration for the company’s creation.

Official Beginning in 1994
Independent Election Services officially began its journey in 1994, guided by a fundamental mission.

To bring specialized expertise to the electoral sector, serving not only local authorities but also newly formed energy trusts, and unions.

Ongoing Focus
Throughout the years, our focus remained on serving local authorities, energy trusts iwi and unions, addressing crucial needs within Aotearoa New Zealand’s electoral services landscape.

Reputation for Reliability
Our unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality, impartial electoral services quickly earned us a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

Commitment to Transparency and Fairness
We were deeply committed to enhancing transparency, efficiency, and impartiality in electoral processes, significantly contributing to the integrity and fairness of elections at both the local authority and energy trust levels.

Strong Commitment to Democratic Governance
Our work underscored our strong commitment to democratic governance
in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Innovative Milestones

Introduction of electronic vote capture, a significant milestone in our efforts to innovate electoral processes.

Launch of custom election management software (EMS), strengthening our commitment to electoral excellence.

Introduction of high speed scanning of voting documents providing efficiencies in vote capture.

Embracing online voting, a development that had a profound impact on the way elections are conducted in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Electronic checking and recording of nominations providing more efficient reporting of candidates and candidate lists for councils and voting document generation and proofing.

Youth voting (mock elections run in tandem with local body elections, with real candidates) went online providing more efficient and paperless voting experience for students in schools.

Made substantial enhancements to our online voting platform, VoteOnline.

Provision of a Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping system, streamlining the process and ensuring accurate voting documents for each voter.

Integration of AI and machine learning into EMS, enabling quicker results by assisting in vote recognition.

Introduction of a nationwide ratepayer entitlement lookup app and a special vote requests app, highlighting our dedication to enhancing the integrity and accessibility of democratic processes in the digital age.


Unity in Diversity

Commitment to Māori Culture
We are dedicated to embracing Māori culture within our company, moving beyond mere recognition to actively engage with and respect the cultural heritage and values of the indigenous Māori people.

Inclusivity and Engagement
We seek to create an inclusive environment that values and incorporates Māori traditions, language, and customs into our daily operations and interactions.

Cultural Awareness
Our corporate ethos is informed by our awareness of Māori culture, influenc-ing the way we conduct business and the kawa (protocols) and practices we implement. This ensures that Māori perspectives are integrated into our decision-making processes.

Importance of Mana
We understand the significance of “mana,” representing respect, and it serves as a foundational principle in all our interactions, both within our company and with Māori communities.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Recognising the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi)
as a guiding principle, we adhere to its tikanga (customs and values) in our corporate practices, aiming to promote an inclusive and harmonious partnership between our company and the Māori community. This partnership strengthens our collective identity in the diverse and dynamic landscape of Aotearoa New Zealand.


Our Work Speaks for Itself

Trusted Authority in Electoral Compliance
Independent Election Services is widely recognised as experts in matters of compliance, electoral legislation, and best practices.

Shaping Electoral Legislation (2001)
Our director was a founding member of the Electoral Working Party, which played a key role in shaping the development of the Local Electoral Act in 2001. This legislation governs local elections, ensuring fairness, transpar-ency, and adherence to best practices.

Ensuring Fairness and Transparency
Our dedication to excellence and our director’s contributions to electoral reform have solidified our position as a trusted authority in electoral man-agement and compliance across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Dedication to Electoral Excellence
Our extensive experience and expertise not only support our recognition but also underline our commitment to achieving electoral excellence.

Supporting Democracy
Independent Election Services plays a pivotal role in electoral management and compliance, contributing significantly to the democratic governance of Aotearoa New Zealand.


Technology to Empower

Introduction of VoteOnline Platform (2009)
In 2009, we achieved a significant milestone by introducing the VoteOnline platform, a cutting-edge online voting solution. This development resulted from meticulous design, rigorous development, and extensive testing.

Enthusiastic Adoption by Loyal Clients
Many of our loyal clients enthusiastically embraced this new online voting service, recognizing its value in engaging with constituents using the latest methods.

Significant Enhancements in 2019
In 2019, we made substantial improvements to the system, both in terms of user interface and security. These enhancements were made to adapt to changing cybersecurity assessments, ensuring the platform’s integrity and resilience.

Shaping the Future of Elections
By investing in the ongoing development of VoteOnline, we not only cater to client needs but also play a pivotal role in shaping the future of elections in Aotearoa New Zealand. We leverage innovation and technology to enhance the democratic process, improving accessibility, efficiency, and security.

Reinforcing Our Position as Trailblazers
Our dedication to advancing online voting technology and enhancing the democratic process solidifies our position as trailblazers in the electoral services field. We lead in adopting and implementing cutting-edge solutions for the benefit of Aotearoa New Zealand’s electoral landscape.


Serving a Diverse Clientele

Expanding Client Base
Over the years, our client base has continued to expand and diversify.

Serving a Variety of Client Types
We have attracted discerning clients, including:

  • Local Authorities, Iwi, and Energy Trusts
  • Board of Trustees
  • Educational Facilities
  • Healthcare Associations
  • Business Associations
  • Unions
  • Primary Industries
  • Licensing Trusts

Partnering with Māori Trust Boards
From an early stage, we enjoyed longstanding partnerships with well-established Māori trust boards.

Facilitating Governance Entity Elections
As more iwi reached settlements with the Crown, we have been privileged to provide our services for ratification polls and elections for newly established governance entities.

Customised and Impartial Election Services
Our ability to serve a diverse range of customers, each with unique requirements, reflects our flexibility in customizing our services to meet specific needs.